Saturday, January 16, 2010

Great website. Lots of articles about crazy things women think and how they view current events.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Collateral Damage

My computer is enjoying its first functional day in what seems like an eternity. I came home from work and began happily updating my Internet Explorer and searching for wallpaper photos. I wiped the dratted machine clean yesterday for the second time in as many months.

Just a tip: don't visit the Watch Series website. Ever.

I had used the site without mishap several times while catching up on early seasons of Grey's Anatomy. But one day it caused my screen to fill with tiny little pop-ups, all of which told me in imperfect grammar that my computer might be at risk and I should let them scan it for me. I'm smart enough to never trust a pop-up that's written in language comparable to the Engrish you find in many foreign-made toy instructions.

Last week I went back to the same site and guess what. Same thing happened. That's where the whole "fool me twice" thing comes in, but we won't go there.

As I said, tonight I was just beginning the process of repersonalizing my computer. I did a search for corgi pictures to use as my background and while doing so had the brilliant idea of looking for corgis up for adoption in my area.

It is one of my life's ambitions to own a corgi, but I neither have the money nor the space right now. So I was just window shopping. I clicked on the cutest pictures to look at the dogs up close and read about their ages and personalities, etc. The cutest picture by far was of a dark corgi name Cocoa.

Cocoa is 11 years old and is up for adoption because her owners got divorced and "neither one wanted to keep her"!!!

I'm going to give the idiots, I mean people, the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was a really rough divorce and both of neither of them could look at the dog without thinking of happier times when they were in love and Cocoa was a puppy--happier times before they became selfish jerks who would rather dump a dog in the twilight of its life because it didn't fit in with their new downsized lives. The benefit of my doubt does not extend very far.

I sat there reading this dog's story and I burst into tears. This is not something I would usually do. I love animals, obviously. I own over a dozen of them in all species and sizes, but I am not the kind of person who gets teary-eyes at ASPCA commercials and puts little paw print bumper stickers on my car. But if I had the money and the ability to house that poor little dog the way it needs, if I had the time and the energy to make up for all the love and affection that dog should be enjoying from someone who cares more about its welfare than about their new divorcee condo not accepting pets, I would be adopting Cocoa tomorrow.

There's not a lot most of us can do to change things. We're not all Mother Teresas and Bonos. But anyone who dares to call themself a human being and an adult can at least take care of the innocent carbon-based life forms that depend on them. If you have a pet (not to mention a child), then you need to take care of it.

This is an animal who will probably die in a shelter or in a foster home, not because she will be put down, but because she's likely only got a few more years to live. Not many people want to adopt senior animals, especially when they have problems like Cocoa does. I forgot to mention that she has trouble eating now because her owners didn't believe in teeth cleaning for dogs.

The adoption group assures readers that Cocoa will be cared for, even if she is never adopted. I'm going to have to content myself with taking the best care I can of my own pets and fantasizing about Cocoa's former owners living alone for the rest of their miserable lives as unloved by anyone as she was by them.