Friday, November 20, 2009

Mommy's Treats

When my ferrets hear a bag crinkle, they think it's their treat bag. It's the one sound that can bring all of them running. The problem is, many human snacks also come in bags that make nice crinkling sounds.

Louis and Bella are particularly devoted to people food. Bella will relentlessly attack the futon if she finds out there's food on it and Louis just likes to steal anything that might be edible. Louis has these two cute little fangs that hang way down out of his mouth. Because one is slightly longer than the other, he looks like a snaggletoothed little vampire. As I've mentioned before, he's my favorite ferret. He's also a little bit special.

All of these things came together tonight as I found myself scruffing him and trying to remove his teeth from the corner of my bag of cheese puffs. Once he locks onto something, you usually have to pry his jaws open to get it back. There is now a half inch tear in the bottom of my bag.

Those are mommy's treats, Louis. Mommy's treats.

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